This pony, so small it can be raised even in a backyard, has developed a lot in the past years, thanks to the good work of our breeders.

Brazilian PonyHe attracts both children and adults. So small it awakens tender feelings and great fascination, these are reasons why it has a garanteed place as a pet. His docile temperament and short stature (at the most 1,12m) makes it easy to be handled by children, who accept him imediately; to have him there is no need for much space, nor a lot of money for his maintenance. Resistent and rough, it can be raised in a 10 x 10m backyard, sleeping out and with no need for vaccines, for it almost never gets sick. Monthly cost with it usually does not go over 25 dollars (horse food is 3 times cheaper than the good quality dog food).

Having emerged from other Pony breeds (Scottish Shetland and Argentine Falabella), from which it inherited respectively the strength and the short stature, the Brazilian Pony manages to carry easily a 70kg person on his back, or pull a cart with 4 people on it (each weighing 60kg). It is proportionally stronger than the horse. It is estimated that it lives around 25 years, but there are cases in which individuals bred even after that age. This genuinely national breed, is still in its formation process, and has progressed a lot in the past 10 years, thanks to the rigorous selection work done by breeders in matings, which has enabled breed to present smaller individuals, proportionally perfect, according Miguel Frederico Coatti, from Haras Sete Praias, São Paulo. "Our breed is much more homogenous today than in the past, when it was common seing individuals with large heads, too bulky, etc, with the appearance of a small and bulky horse."

According to José Bastos Cruz Sobrinho, vice-president of the Brazilian Association of the Pony Breeders, until 1993 there were 10.123 registered Brazilian Ponies, spread through the states of Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and Paraná. This represented 49% of the existing ponies. The Brazilian market prefers the shorter individuals (85 to 90cm) with exotic colors such as the apaloosa, persian, pampa and tordilho, which are worth up to 30 thousand dollars. Taller individuals (about 1m high) generally in one color, and not so perfect in appearance, may cost as little as 500 dollars, the adults, and even less if they are weaned colts.


Choosing a Pony: Purchase individuals with head and neck proportional to size of body. Height (measured in withers) and length of body should be similar. At 36 months of age it should be 1,10m at the most (males), and 1,12 (females).
Defects: Prognatism, albine coat (pink skin and muzzle), blue eyes. These indiduals may not be registered.
Usage: For mounting and traction (cart, for exemple), prefer the females and the castrated males (they are more docile), from 2 years old, on. For saddling, the ones about 1m high can be used longer by child. Colts are tamed only after 6 months, when they are weaned and get used to halter.
Special Care: Clean and smooth hooves every 2 months, wh should be wormed quarterly, bathe when necessary and brush, if possible, daily.
Accomodations: A simple cover, with one lateral wall to avoid strong rain and winds. Ground covered with straw to avoid humidity.
For More Information: Associação Brasileira dos Criadores do Cavalo Pônei (Brazilian Association of Pony Breeders), Av. Amazonas, 6.020, Gameleira, Parque de Exposições Bolivar de Andrade, zip code 30510-000, tel. (031) 334-9877, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Research and text: Carmen Olivieri

Picture: M. J. M. P.
Owner: Miguel Coatti, SP

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